LEI transfer
Register with LEIReg and then transfer an existing LEI free of charge.
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Smooth and convenient Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) transfer
Whether you’re a small business, freelancer, association, foundation, large corporation, financial institution or a capital/asset management company - as parties requiring an LEI, you are all confronted with the issue of LEIs and, in particular, with the red tape this entails.
Annual LEI renewal for mandatory disclosures, obtaining register excerpts, ensuring compliance with the applicable regulations (including EMIR, MIFIR, especially MIFID II) and that your LEI always has valid ISSUED status all tie up huge amounts of resources and capacities that are very costly and time-consuming.
Whether you are only responsible for managing a single LEI or for the central management of hundreds or thousands of LEIs. You can easily bypass the additional effort and use of additional resources that this entails.
The solution is very simple!
Switch to us as your issuing agency and benefit not just from our free transfer but also from our Auto Renewal Service. Transferring to us as your issuing agency ensures uninterrupted and unrestricted tradability on the international financial markets without any active intervention required on your part. We take care of annual renewal and the associated validation of your company data independently and automatically as your issuing agency. We also take care of the register reference required for revalidation.
There is no additional effort required from you or your clients because as your issuing agency we handle the entire transfer process. Only a few pieces of information are required for your free transfer. Your current LEI code remains unchanged.
Your advantages with the LEI transfer
* Please note our information under Legal.
Frequently asked questions about the transfer
Still have questions?
Contact us.
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